Our Story

Christian Family

I am the youngest of eight children, born and raised in Iona, Idaho. My parents were both school teachers and we lived a wonderful life, although we didn’t have much money. Our older home had many water leaks over the 35 years our family lived in the home. I remember the basement always smelling like mold and mildew, but didn’t realize the serious health risks that a moldy home would cause me later in life. I left home at 18 and attended college where I completed my Bachelors in Science degree in Dental Hygiene. During Dental Hygiene school, and during the first 10 years of practice, I administered and received many fluoride treatments to eliminate and treat cavities. I got married and had eventually had four children. When my oldest child was four years old, he started to complain about frequent migraines. They eventually became so bad, that he experienced an average of two migraines a week.  When a migraine came on, he would have to lay in a dark, quiet room all day; sometimes for days. We took him to a variety of doctors and they suggested different medications to treat his migraines.  However, none of the medications helped. After an MRI and thousands of dollars in medical bills and tests from an array of doctors without success, I decided that I would learn how to heal my sweet boy. I spent thousands of hours researching whole food diets, sleep, hydration and how to eliminate toxins from a body. My son’s migraines started to subside, and as a result of my research, our family began to practice more healthy habits, which made us all feel better.

            One day I looked behind the curtain in our piano room and noticed that the wall was swollen and started to break away at the corner of our wall. We had a professional service repair the problem by spraying remodeling the affected area.  I thought the problem was solved. But, years later I started to have extreme joint pain.  About six months later, I suffered a stoke at 40. The stroke took away my ability so speak and to write for days. I was so tired and confused all the time. I couldn’t get out the words I wanted to say. After many tests I discovered that I have the MTHR gene. This is fairly common in many people and means that I cannot detox toxins from my body very easily. I also discovered that I had Lyme’s Disease.  I saw many doctors that administered a lot of blood tests. After the blood tests, the doctors wanted me to take a variety of medications.  I was frustrated that this wasn’t the answer because I was just given medications to try and help with symptoms instead of healing the real issue.  My body needed healing from all the toxins that couldn’t escape my body. I saw a naturopath that started to help me clear some of the molds and toxins from my body. It was important that I wasn’t putting in anything in my body that was toxic. I started ozone treatments, saunas, red light therapy, cold plunges, and really upped my game on my health journey. What I put on my body everyday, is a major part of this story.

I had been using Jojoba oil to clean and moisturize my face for years and had eliminated all the toxic moisturizers that seep those ingredients into your skin.  I really started living a clean lifestyle. I started to read and research different natural oils and their benefits on the skin. I added sea buckhorn with the jojoba and noticed a difference instantly as my skin felt softer and appeared more clear. I then added rose hip oil and vitamin E. I had a friend that recommended tamanu oil which is an oil from the Polynesian Islands. I then found that derma glucan is used in high end moisturizers and added that into my anti aging serum. I had always used essential oils and started to add them for their healing benefits along with a beautiful smell. I use this serum morning and night and, eventually, most of my family members did as well. It is essential to my day and I never miss. It helps me feel good about my skin and I know that everything in it is beneficial to my body.

What you put on your skin, affects your entire body – it is your biggest organ. Everything is absorbed into the body that you put on your skin. This is one of my major changes that I have done for my health, and the health of my skin.  Once you try the serum, I believe you will begin to see immediate benefits.